Membership Rules

September 15, 2022
To help us ensure the happiness and safety of the entire Community Room Rental community, all Members are required to adhere to the Membership Rules which are listed below. These rules apply to every Community Room Rental. Violations of these rules are subject to our Three Keys Policy. Guests Due to the nature of co-living, there are no guests allowed in Community Room Rentals more than 3 days in a month . Additionally, the designated Member of the home may be present at any time. Members who wish to have a gathering of people in the house must give the other Member(s) at least three (3) days’ notice and receive their express consent to the gathering. Members may not share their entry codes with Members or non-Members. Community Room Rental rooms are single occupancy only (county code). Conduct Members are expected to always keep the property clean, both inside and out. Most importantly is to be conscious of how your actions impacts others. How would you want others to treat you in the house, and work to do the same, including: Rooms must be kept clean; help do your part in keeping pests away, Common areas must be kept free of trash and personal belongings, sinks must be kept clean and clear of items within 2 hours of use and countertops and tables must be wiped down, If the dishwasher if full of clean dishes, empty and put them away, If the trashcan is full, empty it as well Members must be always respectful of Community Room Rental staff and other Members. Disrespectful behavior (foul language, rude behavior, yelling, screaming and passive aggressive behavior) is not tolerated. Violence and threats towards other Members, guests, Community Room Rental, or its staff are strictly prohibited. No animals of any kind may be kept at the home (inside or outside) except for service animals that have been pre-approved and pre-registered with Community Room Rental. No kitchen appliances of any kind (microwaves, toaster ovens, hot plates, fryers, etc.) are permitted in bedrooms. There is absolutely no cooking permitted in bedrooms. Outdoor grills are not permitted. “Quiet Time” is observed from 10:00pm to 8:00am daily. Loud music or TV’s, slamming of doors, and loud voices are not permitted during this time. Members are expected to keep noise to a reasonable level at all other times and be conscious of other’s sleep schedules. Members agree to pay for any damage to the room or the home they caused. Household supplies consist of laundry supplies, cleaning supplies, toilet tissues, and miscellaneous household products such as dish soap, paper towels, trash bags, etc. Each Member is responsible for providing and storing their own supplies. Any HOA fines directly attributed to a Member shall be held responsible for such fines. Agree to expectations Smoking There is absolutely no smoking in the home, including the garage . Smoking is the leading cause of home-fire deaths in the US, and as such, all forms of smoking or anything causing smoke is strictly prohibited. This means no smoking tobacco or marijuana or creating any kind of combustion-created smoke (burning incense, sage, etc.). Candles are prohibited. Safety Do not open the Community Room Rental for anyone you don’t know. All Community Room Rental staff, contractors, and prospective Members will be provided temporary access codes. Replacing, altering, or damaging any locks on the property is strictly prohibited. Space heaters of any kind are prohibited in the home , as they are the second leading cause of death from home fires. The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate Membership termination and prosecution. Possession of firearms or weapons of any kind at the home is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate Membership termination and prosecution. Using a fake identity or having another individual book a room for you is strictly prohibited and may result in immediate termination. Utilities Our Members are responsible for conserving all utilities including power, water, gas, and internet. At any time, and at the full discretion of Community Room Rental, utility costs may be passed onto the Members if utility consumption exceeds the budget for each home. Windows should always remain closed to conserve utilities. Thermostats are programed to automatically adjust the temperature between 69 and 71 at all times. Members of the house have the ability to change these automatic settings within a degree or two temporarily. Vehicles Members are only allowed to bring one vehicle to properties with open spaces. If a Member's property has a space for their car, Members are allowed only one vehicle at a property and must register this vehicle with Community Room Rental. Vehicles must be properly registered with the state. Vehicles cannot block other vehicles, mailboxes, or trash bins. Members cannot park on the grass or yard at their homes. These areas are no parking zones. When parking in a driveway, Members should make sure their vehicle does not touch a neighbor's property. Vehicles that are abandoned or blocking access will be towed at the Member's expense. Members are not allowed to do work on their vehicle at a Community Room Rental, other than changing a flat tire. Payments Using a stolen payment method is strictly prohibited. Excessive payment disputes on your account are a violation of our policy. Members must ensure that the accounts they use for payments are fully funded. Failed payments from bank accounts or refunded ACH payments are a violation of our terms. Other No furniture or fixtures may be removed from the common areas at any time. Common area furniture must remain in the common area at all times. Members may not set up cameras to record in any common areas of the home. Community Room Rental Members are responsible for taking out the trash. Trash must be placed in the proper bins. Bins must be brought out to the curb on trash day and brought back to the property once emptied. Trash days are noted by the City of Charlotte. This includes recycling and bulk trash pickup . Members may not operate a business from a Community Room Rental. This includes customer meetings of any kind inside the home or the commercial use of home resources, such as laundry or power consumption for business purposes. Community Room Rental staff, Community Room Rental’s designated contractors, have the right to enter any room in the facility at any time without notice to ensure the safety and well-being of Members and the property. Community Room Rental, Hub City Management, the subsidiaries and staff of Community Room Rental and the homeowner are not liable for the security of any Member’s personal belongings. Possession of personal property insurance is strongly recommended for Members. No foreign objects may be thrown in the toilets or sinks at any time. This includes but is not limited to feminine products, wet wipes, packaging, dental floss, and hair. Fixing clogged toilets and sinks can cost several hundred dollars and these expenses will be passed directly to the Members. Members may only inhabit the room that they are booked for. It is against Community Room Rental rules to occupy or move things into any other room in the home. Vacant rooms must remain vacant. See also Resident & Guest Commitments
September 14, 2022
Being a part of a co-living community is more than rules about how we are going to keep the kitchen clean. Co-living is a communal experience that helps many people thrive through shared space and shared experiences. Whatever you do, or a fellow Member does, could potentially impact others. Knowing this, there are expectations on how we agree to take care of each other: 1. Be A Good Friend – We all heard as kids if you want to make good friends, start by being a good friend. In other words, treat others as you’d like to be treated. Reacting in anger or showing petty actions will be harmful to you. Instead, find ways to make deposits in your relationships with others. At some point you’ll need to make a withdrawal, so you’ll need some goodwill built up already. 2. Expect Conflict To Happen – Nobody ever gets along with everyone, all the time. You should expect that you will have conflict with a housemate at some point. Your goal though is to find ways to exercise healthy conflict. Know that the person you are in conflict with has the same expectations given them and signed up for the same in return. So, if you see their actions manifest something different than “good intent”, then chances are you might be missing something. This is a good opportunity to outline to the other person, for example, “I know we both agreed and want the kitchen clean before we go to bed, but I saw dishes from last night still piled up, which made me think I must be missing something and wanted to ask for better understanding” 3. Engage –We’ve all encountered a time when something was misinterpreted as tone is never conveyed via text. Take the time to talk it out, preferably in person, in a calm deliberate manner where you come seeing understanding, not a pound of flesh. 4. Come To Listen – Your opinion is important, and so is theirs. The biggest conflicts we encounter are often people simply not being heard. If you have something to share, share it properly. But then prepare to listen, without reaction, until the other person has made their points. Let them be heard as much as you want to be heard. 5. Own Your Mistake – We all make them, and usually just because you caught us at a bad time (tired, hungry, other things on your mind, etc.). If you recognize what you could have done better, bring it to the table. If confronted with your mistake by a housemate, don’t deflect (i.e., well you did this…). Owning it goes a long way in reconciling. 6. Address Each Other With Respect – On the job, once a person stoops to personal attacks, name calling, or loses their temper, they automatically loose. If not their point or even the argument, they lose face. This is the same for your personal life and particularly true with housemates. If you can’t do it in the moment, take a time out and talk later. 7. Gossip Is Poison – Gossip is discussing anything negative with someone who can’t help solve the issue at hand. Gossip is unfair to everyone involved. It’s unfair to the gossipers because they must toil in a problem situation with no hope of resolution. It’s unfair to others who hear the gossip because it undermines passion for where they live. Last, it’s unfair to the person being gossiped about as everyone wants the opportunity to address grievances. If there is something negative to say, exercise healthy conflict and discuss it directly with the owner of that issue. 8. Engage Early – We often refer to this as “Kill The Baby Monster”. When issues are small, they are easy to address. When you let them stockpile, and you let the monster grow, it festers into a larger conflict that could have been easily resolved. Exercise the healthy conflict muscle here. 9. Escalated Problems/ Issues with Other Members : Before escalating it to the property manager, make sure you’ve followed all the items above. Any unresolved issues that Member may have with other Members must be brought to the attention of Owner prior to taking any legal action. Any Member may initially address the issue(s) with the Owner, and Owner agrees to have a consultation with all Member(s) involved and act as the mediator to resolve the dispute. See also Membership Rules
August 3, 2022
By engaging Community Room Rental for housing, you are assuming the inherent risks of contracting COVID-19 while on the premises. If a Member has a fever 704-890-2204°F/38°C or higher), cough or trouble breathing they should seek medical care. Call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room. As a reminder, your membership at Community Room Rental includes free access to Infected Members should: 1. Follow ALL medical advice provided by their health care provider. 2. Adhere to the isolation guidance issued by the CDC. During this time, they should also: 1. Stay in their room separate from the other household members and use a separate bathroom, if available. If a separate bathroom is not available, all hard surfaces of the bathroom should be wiped down and cleaned with sanitizing wipes or household cleaning supplies after every use by the infected member. The infected Member must wipe down all surfaces of their bedroom with cleaning products at least twice a day. 2. Wear a face mask and gloves anytime they leave their room and always stay at least 6 feet away from other household members. 3. Use cleaning supplies to thoroughly clean all hard surfaces after using the kitchen. The infected member should use the same set of utensils while sick and wash them thoroughly after each use. All House Members should: 1. Adhere to quarantine and isolation guidance issued by the CDC. 2. Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after they have been in a public or shared space, or after blowing a nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. No visitors are allowed in Community Room Rental homes until further notice. If a Member has any questions or concerns, they should immediately contact their state or local health department or healthcare provider.
August 3, 2022
Community Room Rental's Membership Rules can be viewed in two places: The Membership Rules are posted here You can view the Membership Rules by accessing your lease in the Member Portal.
July 28, 2022
At Community Room Rental, the safety of our Members is our number one priority. Community Room Rental takes violence very seriously. Community Room Rental will utilize the following procedure in cases where violence is reported in a home: Community Room Rental will triage the immediate report by reminding Members of the following: To immediately call the police if they feel that they or someone else is in danger Of their ability to file a TPO (Temporary Protective Order) with the county Of their ability to transfer to another Community Room Rental home Once you Fill out the report , Community Room Rental will alert Leadership of the reported incident to determine any of the following: Recommend Termination of the Membership of any Member at the property Offer impacted Members financial concessions or a free transfer to another one of their Community Room Rental properties In addition, Community Room Rental: Will terminate the Membership of any named Member in a valid TPO (paperwork must be provided to Community Room Rental by Member it is issued to) Will determine if any further action will be taken on our part after an internal review  If a Membership is terminated due to our violence policy, the Member will be unable to return to Community Room Rental. As a reminder, for any emergency where you feel you are in danger, please contact 911. What is an emergency? See also What should I do if I see a Community Room Rental rule being broken? See also I have a problem with another Member in my home. What shou ld I do?
July 27, 2022
At Community Room Rental, we want Members to feel empowered to help correct rule violations in their home. If you see a Membership Rule being violated, we recommend pointing out the violation first. Many times people are unaware of their impact to you or others and a friendly reminder is all that’s needed. We created this video to help illustrate how to engage in Healthy Conflict with a fellow housemate and the value in doing so.
July 21, 2022
Violations of Community Room Rental's Membership Rules can result in fines and charges for damages incurred. Most fines will be issued to a Member upon receipt of a second key removal (see, Three Keys Policy for more information). The cost for damages, failed payments, utilities abuse and towing will be passed onto the Member regardless of the amount of key removals they have received (capped at $500). If it is clear that a rule violation has occurred in the home but no Member is identified as the responsible party, fines, charges and damages may be imposed against the entire house. Members billed during this process may appeal the charges by emailing Below, please find a list of fines and costs for damages:
July 21, 2022
It is important for the happiness and safety of the entire Community Room Rental community that all Members adhere to the Membership Rules . A violation of these rules is subject to our Three Keys Policy. What is the Three Keys Policy? The Three Keys Policy is our Membership rule violation policy. When Members join Community Room Rental, they have “three keys” by default. Each time a Member violates a rule, a key is removed. If a Member loses all three keys, their Membership is terminated and they will be asked to leave their Community Room Rental within 48 hours. How do I lose a key? When Community Room Rental is notified of a potential rule violation, we look to the Leadership Team other Members in the Community Room Rental for verification. If a rule violation can be verified through either documentation or Member statements a key is removed. What happens if I lose a key ? Here are the consequences each time a Member loses a key: First Key Removal: At the first key removal, Members will be reminded to review Membership Rules. Members will also receive an SMS and/or email message informing them of the key removal and corresponding rule violation. Second Key Removal : At the second key removal, the Member will receive a fine for the rule violation. See Fines for violations to the Membership Rules for specific dollar amounts. Members will also receive an SMS and/or email message informing them of the key removal and corresponding rule violation. They can view their keys on the Member Portal. Third Key Removal: At the third key removal, the Member will be terminated. Their termination will be scheduled within 48 hours of the third key removal and the Member will be notified via SMS, email, and phone call. The Member will be banned and is unable to return to Community Room Rental. Can I gain back a lost key? In some instances, Community Room Rental may choose to re-issue a removed key. Particularly in situations where the Member goes above and beyond to make amends. Important Exceptions It is important to note that any rule violation involving criminal activity is subject to immediate termination outside of the Three Keys Policy. Members who have a TPO issued against them by another Member of the household will be terminated immediately. In addition, Community Room Rental will enforce a separate policy for rule violations involving violence. Please refer to What is Community Room Rental’s policy on violence occurring inside of the home?
June 3, 2022
A Temporary Protective Order (TPO) is a court ordered document that may prevent an accused person from residing near the person that the TPO is issued to. Should the accused person refuse to vacate after the TPO is issued, law enforcement/marshals will usually remove said person from the premises. Due to the nature of co-living, there may be times when a Member feels it necessary to file a TPO against another Member. TPOs are filed through the county in which the accused person lives. A good way to find instructions for filing a TPO in your specific county is to call the Clerk of your Magistrate Court. If the filing is accepted, TPOs are generally issued on a provisional basis for a period until the parties can present their arguments before a judge. After this hearing, the judge will decide to either lift the TPO out or make it permanent. SEEKING A TPO IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER THAT AFFECTS THE LIFE OF AN ACCUSED. FILING A TPO SHOULD ONLY BE DONE WHEN YOU HAVE A GOOD FAITH BELIEF THAT YOUR SAFETY IS IN JEOPARDY. IN MANY JURISDICTIONS, THE FILING OF A FRIVOLOUS TPO MAY BE A CRIMINAL ACT AND OPEN YOU UP TO CIVIL LIABILITY SIMILAR TO FILING A FALSE POLICE REPORT. Per our violence policy, Community Room Rental will act on TPOs signed by a Judge in the following ways. Please note that it is the responsibility of Members to provide Community Room Rental with any TPO paperwork to be actioned on. If a TPO is issued, Community Room Rental will terminate the Membership of the Member named in the TPO. That Member will be expected to vacate the property. If the TPO is subsequently lifted by the Judge, Community Room Rental will reinstate the Membership of the Member named in the TPO. Please note that the Member’s original room/home may no longer be available to book.
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