August 3, 2022
Our Members lead a full life! Imagine every applicant to the open room in your house wants to coordinate a meeting with everyone in the house in person. It would be a logistical nightmare! Not to mention, would you want to run through every applicant and waste all your time? To give people comfort that they are not moving in completely blind, we provide a multi-faceted approach to getting to know your new house members in advance. Community Room Rental employs a 7-point Safety & Security system to support the best community for all. This includes everything from personal interviews to background checks, to house expectations and so much more. The standards to be a Member of our community is higher than what you’d find at any apartment complex, AirBnb or the like. Additionally, we provide bios of all your housemates if desired so that you get an idea of who they are, mix of men and women (all houses are co-ed), ages, and what they do for a living. Lastly, we also provide the ability for a one-time transfer to another location.