Most Community Room Rental homes come with a variety of places to park, including a driveway, a carport, garages, or street spots. Please note that there are no assigned parking spots. Each property has at least one vehicle parking spot available for each house member from the options above.
If a Member brings a vehicle, the following rules must be followed. Violations of these rules are subject to our Three Keys Policy and/or towing.
- Members are allowed only one vehicle at a property and must register this vehicle with Community Room Rental.
- Vehicles must be properly registered with the state.
- Guest vehicles are relegated to street parking only.
- Parking priorities are first to park in your house’s driveway, second in front of your house, and third anywhere on the street that is legal (not blocking another driveway or mailbox)
- Parking is done on a best efforts basis meaning tenants are not responsible for actively moving cars when another tenant leaves; however when you come home, park in the priorities noted above.
- There are no saved spots nor spots delegated by seniority of membership.
- Tenants are prohibited from blocking spaces from others to use. This includes but is not limited to placing cones (barriers) to hold a spot, taking up two spots with one vehicle, blocking others from using the full parking pad, etc.
- Designated parking spaces can be rented at an additional charge. Contact our offices at
- Vehicles cannot block other vehicles, mailboxes, or trash bins. Members cannot park on the grass or in the yard at their Community Room Rentals. These areas are no parking zones. When parking in the driveway, Members should make sure their vehicle does not touch a neighbor's property. Vehicles that are abandoned or blocking access will be towed at the Member's expense.
- Members are not allowed to do work on their vehicle at a Community Room Rental, other than changing a flat tire.
- If a Member’s chosen to park behind another member, that person is responsible for moving their vehicle at the request of the aforementioned Member at their request within 15 minutes.